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  • Writer's pictureAndrea

Physical, mental and emotional wellness are important aspects of our lives which we often neglect in our day-to-day pursuits. That is why I have joined the Health and Wellbeing Project, providing you with the opportunity to experience the gentle, nurturing practice of Qigong, relaxing the body and mind; restoring your energy. Alongside many other holistic therapies from: fitness coaching through to acupuncture, creative writing, mindfulness, life coaching and much more, there is something for everyone to help you replenish and rebalance so that you have the energy you need just when you need it.

If you want to find out more details in the link below:

  • Writer's pictureAndrea

During this term I have had many students tell me that they frequently suffer with headaches, tightness in the chest and back pain. They are often surprised that the simple joint releasing movements we do at the start of the qigong class seem to alleviate many of the symptoms they are experiencing in that moment.

In view of such comments, I had planned to write a blogpost on the importance of maintaining good posture throughout the day, but I have just come across this great animation which eloquently and humorously sums up both the reasons for and the benefits of paying attention to posture.

I hope you enjoy this clip and find it useful.



  1. Establish a regular practice morning and evening. You will soon find that even a brief time of between 10-15 minutes will help engender those feelings of calm and ease in the body and mind.

  2. Spend a few moments both before and after the practice standing in stillness whilst observing the breath.

  3. Prior to starting your session, set an intention for the practice itself. This helps focus the mind and direct the energy.

  4. Qigong loves a smile! Seat a lotus flower in your heart centre. Allow the corners of your mouth to turn upwards as you visualise the flower gently opening.

  5. Practise only one or two short movements. If possible, follow the pattern of one movement with one breath. Starting with the arms at the sides of the body then gently raising and lowering the arms (keeping a slight bend in the elbows) is a simple way to integrate the breath with movement.

  6. Remember that qigong can be done seated or standing so choose whichever best serves your mood. It is better to be seated and relaxed than standing with tension.

  7. Remember to keep movements small or modify movements if you have injuries.

  8. Always perform your Qigong movements gently and without strain.

  9. Enjoy!

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